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War or peace?

A Total War is highly unlikely, though to exclude the possibility – following the law of an escalating spiral – is unwise. We are oscillating clearly between three options: cold war, a limited conventional conflict and the USA surrendering its crown as global leader without it putting up a fight
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That which until recently most commentators dismissed or negated is today likely to be obvious: the United States and China are in a state of intensifying conflict, which threatens to turn the old world upside down and a direct conflict between the two. The two most important and pressing questions right now are: can we stop this and, if not, then what might these conflicts look like? The case for co-dependency is clear: the economies of two superpowers are too closely tied together for armed conflict to be of profit for either – it is however so flawed that it fails to withstand the most basic historical analysis Could anything prevent escalation of conflict? As to the first question, it...

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the chairman and founder of the "Nowa Konfederacja" Thinkzine, a political scientist and publicist. His first professional experience was in "Polskie Radio" and "Rzeczpospolita". He was also the vice-leader of portal and the editor of the quarterly "Fronda". Between 2010 and 2013 he founded and managed the quarterly "Rzeczy Wspólne". For the period 2015 to 2017 he co-created the think thank Centrum Analiz Klubu Jagiellońskiego. He was publishing i.a. in "Gazeta Polska", "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna", "Gość Niedzielny", "Polska The Times", "Arcana", "Super Express" and "Znak"

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