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Between Catastrophes: God, Nature and Humanity

The pandemic reveals the dilemmas that the environmental crisis will bring in amplified form: how to balance collective action with human freedom? What lives to protect and what lives to risked? How to balance survival with what survival is for?
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Wersja polska Introduction The Coronavirus Pandemic has the nature of a genuine ‘event’ insofar as its reality is in excess of our attempts fully to account for it as to its origins, causes, extent or implications. Nevertheless, just how epochal an event it will prove is not so certain. For some commentators it remains simply a temporary interruption, legitimately requiring an extraordinary but temporary response. For others, it is a sign of a much larger and ongoing ecological crisis. Both these groups tend to welcome a current return to greater levels of state action and public cooperation. Globalisation renders far more likely the meeting of archaic practices like wet markets with ultra-modern communications But for still others this extraordinary response...

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właśc. Alasdair John Milbank – anglikański teolog, emerytowany profesor na Wydziale Teologii i Studiów Religijnych Uniwersytetu w Nottingham. Twórca ruchu radykalnej ortodoksji. W swojej pracy naukowej łączy teologię z socjologią, etyką, estetyką, filozofią i politologią. Autor książek takich jak „The Future of Love: Essays in Political Theology”, “Paul's New Moment: Continental Philosophy and the Future of Christian Theology” (ze Slavojem Žižkiem I Crestonem Davisem) i “The Politics of Virtue: Post-Liberalism and the Human Future” (z Adrianem Pabstem).

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