Nowa Konfederacja is independent – of political parties and from click-bait competition destroying the Polish debate – all thanks to the generosity of Donors. This enables NK to focus on what is important for Poland and not on what is most profitable.
One of the elements of the organisation’s mission is citizen education, therefore its members believe it is important that NK’s heritage be available for everyone. Again, this will only be available thanks to sufficiently high revenue from the unconditional donations for the statutory objectives.
If you value Nowa Konfederacja – donate us.
Nowa Konfederacja draws an income from other sources as well, such as grants from the Ministry of Culture or expert activity sponsoring by the business partners. However, it is the donations from goodwill citizens that contribute the most to the implementation of its mission.
Donations to the foundations are tax-free (Article 16, Law on Foundations). What is more, they are deductible from personal income tax, according to the provisions of the Law on Personal Income Tax.
Please forward any donations to the publisher of “Nowa Konfederacja”’s bank account:
Fundacja Nowa Rzeczpospolita: 09 1560 0013 2376 9529 1000 0001
IBAN: PL 09 1560 0013 2376 9529 1000 0001
The full access to the monthly issue of NK will be provided to those readers, who deposit at least 15 PLN to the publisher’s bank account. Development of “Nowa Konfederacja” is in your hands, we, therefore, encourage you to support NK regularly. The donation might be 20 PLN, 50 PLN, 1000 PLN and any other amount. Your bank transfer should contain the following: “donation + your e-mail address”.
In order to get full access to the latest issue, the bank transfer should be made immediately. Additionally, a short e-mail containing your name and declared donation should be sent at the following address: redakcja@nowakonfederacja.pl
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(advised option for: National Donors)