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The NATO crisis and Poland between greatness and annihilation

The alliance is weakening in the eyes, blown apart by conflicts of interest and questioned in its present form by both the “feudal lord” (USA) and “the key vassal” (Turkey)
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The Polish version was published: 2.8.2016 We have already got used to catastrophic visions of the future of the European Union. We are relatively unperturbed by them because we have NATO – a guarantee of “hard” security. Compared to the belief that we have the world’s strongest army on our side, the sense of economic and political uncertainty is secondary. But what if the North Atlantic Alliance is about to experience a similar crisis to that plaguing the EU? Recent events in America and Turkey are making this possibility increasingly more likely. Paradigm shift? I think everyone now accepts the possibility of Donald Trump winning the election. The fact that the comments of the liberal elite regarding Trump’s provocative statements...

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the chairman and founder of the "Nowa Konfederacja" Thinkzine, a political scientist and publicist. His first professional experience was in "Polskie Radio" and "Rzeczpospolita". He was also the vice-leader of portal and the editor of the quarterly "Fronda". Between 2010 and 2013 he founded and managed the quarterly "Rzeczy Wspólne". For the period 2015 to 2017 he co-created the think thank Centrum Analiz Klubu Jagiellońskiego. He was publishing i.a. in "Gazeta Polska", "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna", "Gość Niedzielny", "Polska The Times", "Arcana", "Super Express" and "Znak"

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